LinkedIn is the most popular social media tool!

LinkedIn is the most popular social media tool!

Great news LinkedIn Replaces Facebook as Top Social Tool!
This is an up date Social Media Report by the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth.


I knew it since last year. Today it becomes more and more the realty. For our business there is one most important platform LinkedIn. Blog’s are really interesting for the professional business organizations and the upcoming networks to follow are Foursquare and Pinterest. I’m not surprised that companies using YouTube has fallen for 15% last year.



The most popular social media tool is LinkedIn among the nation’s private companies, according to a study by the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, Center for Marketing Research, under the direction of researcher Nora Ganim Barnes.


More than 8 in 10 companies listed on the 2012 Inc. 500 (81% of them) use the professional networking site, up from 73% a year earlier. Meanwhile, the proportion of Inc. 500 companies using Facebook has declined, from 74% in 2011, to 67% in 2012.
Importantly, nearly two-thirds (63%) of Inc. 500 CEOs are contributing content or taking ownership of some social media outlet.

2013 up date, findings related to my summary social media 2012 blog Inc. 500
*2012: 44% of Inc. 500 companies now publish a blog, up from 37% a year earlier.
*Software, advertising/marketing, and media companies were the most likely to blog in 2012


*Foursquare use has doubled, from 13% of companies in 2011, to 28% in 2012
*The proportion of companies using YouTube has fallen, from 45% in 2011, to 30% in 2012
*18% of 2012 Inc. 500 companies use Pinterest

Caspar Fraiture
Geschreven door Caspar Fraiture

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